Wednesday, 5 May 2010

Beast Coast at Nation of Shopkeepers next week


Still no album or label deal in sight yet for Visit the site BEST COAST, but I imagine they'll be playing most of whats gonna be on it in their forthcoming very small run of UK shows. I managed to catch them at their Fader fort show in March, even though the sprawling size of the Levi's tent wasn't the perfect surrounding for their sound I thought it was a great show, and she's cool as a cucumber stood om stage with her RayBans on and singing the perfect songs for a hot Texas afternoon. Can't wait to see them next week. The Visit the site NATION OF SHOPKEEPERS show is free entry but if you can't make it my boy Wesley from Visit the site NOW WAVE is putting them on on the 7th May at Visit the site DEAF INSTITUTE in Manchester. Cheers to Dan McEvoy for hooking this gig up.

Best Coast - When I'm With You from Pete Ohs on Vimeo.

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