Sunday, 21 September 2008


Vice magazine described them as 'timeless', however I think that's a little over the top. YO MAJESTY are a proud pair (quite literally) from Florida who have filthy mouths and no table manners. In the spirit of The Real Roxanne and Ms Melodie they pull no punches with their Hip Hop and don't really give a shit about upsetting people. In that respect they are completely credible and I hope people understand where they are coming from. Obviously their gigs will mostly be attended by middle class white students who thrive on the knowledge that Neon Neon is more the brains of Buck 65 than the pot smoking hippie from SFA, but how long Yo Majesty will be going is anyone's guess. I can't see them opening for Live Aid 2012 but I suppose I wouldn't want to. They get people talking and that's idea, plus they have huge amounts of fun (in their bras).

A short introduction to YO MAJESTY

Neon Neon (ft Yo Majesty) - Sweat Shop (MP3)
MP3 courtesy of

Yo Majesty - Break Bread (MP3)
MP3 courtesy of

Yo Majesty My space

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